1978 south lebanon conflict造句
- Following the 1978 South Lebanon conflict Weizman proposed forming a national unity government with the Alignment to stimulate the peace process.
- In 1982, Hariri donated $ 12 million to Lebanese victims of the 1978 South Lebanon conflict and helped clean up Beirut's streets with his company's money.
- After numerous attacks and reprisals involving the PLO, including an assassination attempt on Israeli ambassador Argov, Israel invaded, [ called the 1978 South Lebanon conflict ], and Tyre was badly damaged.
- It has since participated in all of Israel's major wars and nearly all major operations, including the Suez Crisis, the Six-Day War, the War of Attrition, the Yom Kippur War, Operation Entebbe, the 1978 South Lebanon conflict, the intifadas.
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